Venetian Arch | Pottery And Decoration Items


Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Venetian Arch strictly applying the principles of personal data protection provided by international and European law governing matters relating to electronic commerce (Directive 2000/31 / EC, Presidential Decree 131/2003), Regulation (EU) 2016/679, as well as by the Law on Consumer Protection (Law 2251/1994) which regulates issues related to distance selling, the relevant provisions of the Greek law (Law 2472/1997) on “Protection of the individual from data processing” of personal character “, of the law (Law 3471/2006) on” Protection of personal data and privacy in the field of electronic communications “, the P.D. 207/1998, 79/2000, article 8 of Law 2819/2000 and of European law with the directives 95/46 / EC and 97/66 / EC, explicitly states that it is not going to make any unfair use of your personal in no way discloses, discloses, sells, leases, transfers or exchanges your personal data and information that you submit to any third party and does not disclose it to third parties, except:

  1. Collaborating courier companies, who need the information for the safe and timely delivery of your orders.
  2. Legal obligation, or if necessary to enforce the Terms of Use.

What is personal data

The term “personal data” refers to information of individuals, such as name, postal address, e-mail address, contact telephone number, etc., which identify or can identify you, hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data or Data”.

What is Personal Data Processing

Any operation or sequence of operations performed with or without the use of automated means, on personal data or on personal data sets, such as collection, registration, organization, structure, storage, adaptation or modification, retrieval , the search for information, its use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other form of disposal, association or combination, restriction, deletion or destruction.

Further information

When browsing the internet, and your access to the content of these websites, you do not need to provide information that constitutes personal data. However, in order to access the various services provided by the website, you may be asked for the following information:

To create an account – Contact details such as name, email address, telephone, fax, address and zip code. 

For purchase, if credit card debit is selected – Credit card and billing details. By submitting material to our server, you agree that the material does not contain untrue, illegal, or in any way inappropriate information.

Your personal information, upon your request, can be permanently deleted.

Details of your transactions with us, either through our physical store or through our online store. For example, we collect notes from our conversations with you, details of any complaints or comments you make, details of purchases you made, products added to or removed from your cart, wish list you want to buy (wish list) , coupon redemption, websites you visit and how and when you contact us.

We will request and use only the Data we have collected to suggest products or services of interest to you and to further improve your shopping experience with us. Of course, it is always your choice if you share such information with us.

The above information is collected in order to continuously improve our services / products offered and is necessary for conducting online purchases. They are also used to inform the buyer about the status of his order. Finally, by entering personal information you are given the opportunity, after your approval, to receive informative emails about new products, services and so on.

How we use your data:

Product orders: The Company processes your Data in order to fulfill its contractual relationship, to process the order of products and / or services, to issue and send your tax documents electronically (e-invoicing) to the electronic address (e-mail) that you yourself have stated during your registration in its online store, to provide customer service, to comply with legal obligations, to oppose, raise or exercise legal requirements.

Your Data may need to be transferred to third parties for supply or delivery of the product or service you have ordered, as well as the implementation of the electronic invoicing process by our Company, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law. In addition, we may retain your Data for a reasonable period of time in order to meet our contractual obligations, such as product returns, as required by law.

Creating a User Account: The Company processes your Data in order to provide you with the account functions and to facilitate the conclusion of the purchase of products and / or services.

Contact: The Company uses your Data to respond to your requests / inquiries, refund requests and / or complaints. The information you share with us, enables us to manage your requests and respond to you in the best possible way. We may also maintain a record of your inquiries / requests to us in order to better respond to any future communication. We do this based on our contractual obligations to you, our legal obligations but also our legitimate interests in order to provide you with the best possible service and to be able to improve our services based on your personal experience.

Sometimes, we will need to share your Data with a third party that provides a service (such as courier delivery). Without sharing your personal data, we would not be able to satisfy your request.

For which purposes we process your data

We collect your Data for the purposes of the provided products and / or services of our Company and especially for:

a) the management of the sale of our products and / or services, e.g. your communication and information about the availability of products and the progress of your order, the issuance and sending of your tax documents in electronic form (e-invoicing), the execution of your order, the sending of products, the management of your debts to the COMPANY, the realization of returns and the provision of guarantees.

b) your service based on the current government measures (eg click inside, click away),

c) compliance with the obligations imposed by the current legislation e.g. tax legislation, e-commerce directive,

d) controlling, improving and adapting to your preferences and choices regarding our products and / or services;

e) the sending, by electronic or traditional means, of administrative, technological, organizational and / or commercial information for products and / or services of the Company.

f) our customer satisfaction research, the promotion of our products and / or services, the sending of newsletters for our products and / or services.

g) the evaluation of applications and CVs for the purpose of recruitment in our Company.

Legal basis for the processing of your data

Data protection legislation defines a number of reasons why a company may collect and process your personal data, including: the terms of our contractual relationship

Your consent, where required. For example when you choose to receive a newsletter. When collecting your personal data, we will always let you know what data is necessary in relation to a particular service.

The Company’s liabilities arising from the law (eg tax legislation, e-commerce legislation, etc.)

For example: We will use your shopping history to send you or make personalized offers.

Who are the recipients of your Data – How is your Data communicated?

Access to your Data is the absolutely necessary staff of the Company, which is committed to maintaining confidentiality and our partner companies or third party service providers, who process your Data as Processors on our behalf and in accordance with our orders.

Data Disclosure by the Company

To third party service providers who process personal data on behalf of the Company, for example (indicatively mentioned) for the processing of credit cards and payments, the electronic issuance and sending of your tax documents (e-invoicing), transfers and deliveries, hosting, management and maintenance of our data, email distribution, research and analysis, management of brand and product promotions, Google, Facebook, as well as management of certain services and data. When we use third party service providers we enter into agreements that oblige them to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data.

To enhance your customer experience on our Websites and Apps, we use the following companies:

which will process your Personal Data as part of their contracts with us:









We also use cookies so that we can remember you when you use our website, and we allow Google to use detailed cookies (both temporarily and permanently) on our sites to collect information. This way, we can track our traffic as well as our ads.

How do we ensure that Editors respect your Data?

The Executors on our behalf have agreed and contractually contracted with the Company:

  • keep confidential,
  • not send your Data to third parties without the permission of the Company,
  • take appropriate security measures,
  • comply with the legal framework for the protection of personal data and in particular Regulation 679/2016 / EU (otherwise known as GDPR).

Duration of retention of your data

We retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy (unless a longer retention period is required by applicable law). Generally this means that we will keep your personal data for as long as you have an account with our Company. Regarding your Personal Data related to product purchases, we retain this data for a longer period of time in order to comply with our legal obligations (such as tax and commercial law and for warranty purposes). At the end of this retention period, the data will be deleted completely or anonymously, for example by aggregation with other data, so that they can be used in an unrecognizable way for statistical analysis and business planning.

Some examples of customer data retention periods:

  • Orders

When you place an order, we will retain the personal information you provided to us for five years so that we can comply with our legal and contractual obligations.

  • Newsletter

Your statement of consent for sending a newsletter is kept for as long as a newsletter is sent to you by the Company and in any case not more than six months from the cessation of sending it.

Are your data secure?

We are committed to safeguarding your Personal Data.

Recognizing the importance of the security of your Personal Data, we have taken all appropriate organizational and technical measures to secure and protect your Data from any form of accidental or improper processing. We use the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure maximum safety.

We use the TLS protocol for secure online trading. This encrypts all the Data you provide, including your credit card number, name and address, so that it cannot be decrypted or changed when you transfer it over the Internet.

Additionally, the information used to identify you as an account user is two: the Password and the Personal Security Code (Password). Each time you enter your details, you are given access to your personal account. This process is achieved securely through encryption during their transfer to the Internet and the servers of the Company. By the same token, you are allowed to change your Personal Security Password as often as you wish. After entering the desired code, the new code is coded and stored in the Company’s systems. For this reason, you are the only one who knows your password and you are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password by third parties.

These measures shall be reviewed and amended as necessary.

What are your rights?

You have the right to access your personal data.

This means that you have the right to be informed by us if we process your Data. If we process your Data you can ask to be informed about the purpose of processing, the type of your Data we hold, to whom we give it, how long we store it, if automated decisions are made, but also about your other rights, such as correction, deletion of data, restriction of processing and submission of a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Authority.

You have the right to correct inaccurate personal data.

You have the right to delete / forget.

You can ask us to delete your data if it is no longer necessary for the above mentioned processing purposes or you wish to revoke your consent in case this is the only legal basis.

You have the right to portability of your Data.

You have the right to restrict processing.

You have the right to object and withdraw your consent to the processing of your Data.

Choosing not to receive Marketing Communications.

You can choose not to receive marketing communications of the Company by modifying your options in the user account (my profile) of our Websites. You can always contact us for additional information.

How you can exercise your rights

In order to exercise your rights, you can submit a relevant request to the Data Protection Officer at the postal address of our Company “Aretousa Chrysikopoulou”, with VAT number. 107123104 (EL) and Headquarters Nikiforou Theotoki 92, Old town – Corfu, PC 49100, Greece, phone 26610 24844, e-mail: .

entitled “Exercise of Right” and we will make sure to examine it and answer you as soon as possible.


  • if you wish to correct your Data in your user account, you can log in to it and make any correction / change without the need to submit a Request.
  • If you wish to withdraw your consent to send a newsletter (newsletter) you can do so by selecting the link “To delete from the” newsletter mailing list “click here” located at the bottom of each newsletter.

We respond to your requests free of charge without delay, and in any case within (1) one month from the time we receive your request. However, if your Request is complex or there is a large number of your Requests we will inform you within the month if we need to receive an extension of another (2) two months within which we will respond to you.


Cookies are small text files that contain pieces of information that are stored on your computer or device and that you send us each time you visit. We use cookies to be able to offer you personalized content, to measure the performance of our website and to export statistics for the use of our services. Most browsers accept cookies automatically, however you can control your browser behaviour from its settings

Which cookies do we use on our Website?

We use cookies on our Websites to manage logins, to provide personalized websites and to customize advertising and other content to reflect your particular needs and interests. Cookies can also be used to compile anonymous, aggregate statistics that allow us to understand how the public uses our Websites and help to improve its structure and content. We cannot verify your personal identity from this information. You can modify your browser settings to reject some or all of the cookies, except the absolutely necessary ones. Be aware that some features are only available through the use of cookies and if you choose to opt out of cookies, these features may not be available. Generally there are the following categories of cookies used on our Websites.

Necessary cookies

The necessary, otherwise, absolutely necessary cookies, are essential for the proper operation of our Websites, allow you to browse and use their functions, such as access to safe areas or use the shopping cart. These cookies do not recognize your personal identity. Without these cookies, we can not offer effective operation of our Websites.

Functionality Cookies (Preferences)

These cookies allow the Websites to remember the user’s choices such as username, language or region, in order to provide improved and personalized functions. They can also be used to provide user-requested services, such as video viewing or social media use. The information collected by these cookies may become anonymous and it is not possible to track browsing activity on other websites. If you do not accept these cookies, the performance and functionality of the Websites may be affected and your access to its content may be limited.

Performance Cookies (Statistics)

These cookies collect information about how visitors use our Websites, for example, which pages they visit most often and whether they receive error messages from websites. These cookies collect aggregate, anonymous information that does not identify a visitor. They are used exclusively to improve the performance of a website.

Marketing cookies

These cookies are used to provide content that best suits you and your interests. They can be used to send targeted advertising / bids, limit ad impressions, or measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. These cookies can be used to remember the websites you have visited to determine which online marketing channels are most effective and allow us to reward external websites and affiliates who have referred you to us.

Unclassified cookies

Unclassified cookies are cookies that are in the process of being classified, together with the providers of individual cookies.

How to check cookies?

It is at your discretion to revoke, whenever you want, your consent or to oppose the use of cookies on your computer or device, to check and / or delete cookies.

What are your rights?

You have the rights:

Access your data

  • Correct or delete your data
  • Portability of your data
  • Restrict the processing of your data
  • Opposing the processing of your data
  • Withdrawal of your consent for the use of some or all of the cookies and consequently for the processing of your data.

To exercise your above rights you can submit your request to the Data Protection Officer at the postal address of our Company “Aretousa Chrysikopoulou”, with VAT number. 107123104 (EL) and Headquarters Nikiforou Theotoki 92, Old town – Corfu, PC 49100, Greece, phone 26610 24844, e-mail: .

as well as to submit, in case you consider that the processing of your personal data violates the applicable law for the protection of personal data, a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Authority (postal address 1-3 Kifissias, PC 115 23, Athens, tel. 210. 6475600, e-mail address ).


If you choose to participate in our newsletter, the email address you submit to us will be forwarded to MailChimp which provides us with our email marketing services. MailChimp is a third party data processing provider. Your email address will remain in the MailChimp Database as long as we continue to use its email marketing services or until you explicitly request its removal from the list. You can do this by using the unsubscribe link in all the email newsletters we send you.

Internet data transmission is never guaranteed to be completely secure. Third parties, not contracted with Venetian Arch, may access or intercept data transmissions or private communications without the permission or knowledge of Venetian Arch

Venetian Arch has taken all appropriate measures to protect your personal data. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee or guarantee the security of any information you provide to us. Data transfers are at your own risk and constitute an unconditional acceptance of the terms of use. Finally, the security of your account password is up to you.

In any case, Venetian Arch reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data after informing the visitors / users and within the existing legal framework.

If a visitor / user does not agree with the terms of protection of personal data provided in this section must not use the services of the website.

Access your personal information and delete

In case you want to get the information we keep in our database about you or ask us to delete it, you can send us a request via email at

You have the right to submit a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Authority (postal address 1-3 Kifissias, PC 115 23, Athens, tel. 210. 6475600, e-mail address ), if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data violates the applicable national and regulatory framework law for the protection of personal data.

For any clarification regarding these issues you can contact us at email: 

© Venetian Arch 2021, All Rights Reserved


Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.